Not all student schedules are created equal. As a mature student, you might be able to take courses full-time or during traditional day-time hours. But it might be that you will pursue studies part-time, one or two courses per year. Juggling multiple roles, you might be interested only in courses scheduled in the evening or e-learning options where you can study from home. The list of links below should help you begin your search for flexible course offerings.
Note: Faculties are responsible for setting their own offerings, and not all programs or courses are available as day-time, evening, and e-learning options. Part-time studies does not necessarily equate to evening studies, so we recommend that you review the links below carefully with this in mind. Generally, part-time describes those students taking fewer than 9 credits per term.
- For a general overview of part-time studies at York, click on: Http://
- To search courses by time of day or by e-learning/distance options, click on: Https://
- Additionally, the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies lists a variety of programs of study that can be pursued on a part-time basis: Part-time Undergrad Programs in LA&PS