Moments of mindfulness in these unprecedented times of COVID-19 are needed. ACMAPS strongly believes self care for our mature students is of utmost importance.
Mindfulness is important in such times due to the practice of it calming anxiety, building coping skills and by bringing you back to the present (and what is important).
Mindfulness has many values including reduced stress, better sleep, decreased loneliness and increased positivity.
If you are a mature student experiencing stress due to working from home, home schooling children, alongside taking summer courses online –
These bi-weekly sessions may interest you!
Please join ACMAPS for a 45 minute meditation session via Zoom.
Drop-ins are welcome. pwd=VC9weW9sSzg0V045Zjh5RG1ING0rUT09
Meeting ID: 927 1800 4337 Password: 779219