The orientation is divided into 3 mini sessions. It will be offered virtually, via Zoom.
The sessions are connected by the theme of mature student success. By attending these sessions you will build a virtual connection with staff, mentors and students, learn about the valuable asset of the Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-time Students (ACMAPS) and attend tailored sessions for adult learners.
The first session focuses on starting school and how to prepare, the second is about getting familiar with campus resources and deadlines and the last session speaks to juggling roles as a mature student learner.
Note: Upon registration, you will receive the Zoom meeting details.
- Part 3: Juggling Roles as a Mature Student Learner
Date: Monday August 24th, 2020
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Description: Part 3 of the Mature & Transfer Student Orientation session focuses on time management and learning remotely. Mature students may find it a struggle to balance their time as a parent, employee and a student. Imagine adding remote learning to that combo? You will learn tips on how to juggle it all and tips on learning remotely! You will also be given the opportunity to hear personal stories from current mature students, meet a few peer mentors and members of the York University Mature Student Organization (YUMSO).
To RSVP please click here!
Hi, I missed the Mature & Transfer Student Orientation Session webinar. Is there any online videos I can access? Thank you~